Another Blanket of Snow
Custom Modular Shed — along a fence-line — keeping snow at bay
If you have firewood under tarps then this is not a welcome event. Another blanket of snow means more buried wood, vulnerable to deterioration and loss of BTU heat potential. It’s also a pain, as many can testify, to get to the wood when covered with frozen or wet tarps.
If your wood is in a functioning, breathable, shed then no worries. Another blanket of snow will simply be shrugged off—the wood comfortable and safe. I’ve had firewood stored for years in these simple open sheds, with no deterioration at all—as long as the sheds are able to breathe, allowing the wood to shake off the exterior moisture that frequently mists it. My neighbor still has wood from Hurricane Irene in his shed, ready to burn whenever he is ready. The only change appears to be the grey look of weathered wood. When burned it is dry and hot.
A no-fun alternative
Getting wood under cover and able to breathe early in spring will give it time to fully dry - and stay dry. This is the way to get maximin BTU output when you start burning wood in the fall. This will also ensure that the “dry” firewood you buy in spring will indeed be dry when the time to burn arrives—And this is a very satisfying feeling.
Then there is the difference in look to consider - between snowy tarps and snow covered firewood shed, hmmm!