What Size Firewood Storage Shed Do You Need?
Learn what size firewood storage sheds are required based on cord capacity and essential storage features so you can invest in the right structure.

Is It Cheaper To Build Your Own Shed?
Is it cheaper to build your own shed? Learn whether DIY construction will actually save you money or whether you should choose a quality pre-built structure.

Client Photo Documentary of a Shed Build
“I’m very happy with my new firewood shed. Nice design and good engineering. Evan is a very nice man and a very talented carpenter/builder. I learned a lot today just watching and asking a few questions. Never stop learning…”
-Jim, High Falls, NY
The Famous Treehouse
The building of a structure in the trees, capable of holding up to a dozen people at one time, must be solid. Here the boys learn about what it means to build in this solid way—as compared to taking short-cuts with the quality of materials or construction.
What Will Make My Shed the Happiest?
A happy shed will function as it was meant to do, look great, add to property value, and keep it up for many years to come. Here are some of the factors:

Do I need a Gravel Pad?
A gravel or crushed-stone pad is one of the best ways to go for your shed. It is not needed, but here are some considerations.
Another Blanket of Snow
If you have firewood under tarps then this is not a welcome event. Another blanket of snow means more buried wood, vulnerable to deterioration and loss of BTU heat potential.
When is Firewood Dry?
We see this often, and as often, we wonder if it’s true. Is the wood fully dry or partly dry? Is all of the wood dry or only some of the wood dry? Then we might ask, what does it mean that wood is dry?
BTU and You
The British thermal unit (Btu or BTU) is a traditional unit of heat; it is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
When Can We Stain Treated Lumber?
When Can We Stain Treated Lumber?
The quick answer is—It depends. It depends on how dry the wood is when it is installed. Though this might seem obvious, and is certainly true, there are factors at work that might not be so obvious.

Woods to Burn at Night
First, to be clear, I am speaking about firewood that we best use at night (or for any long periods when a fire is left unattended), when certain characteristics would be favorable—characteristics such as:

Secrets of a Clean Chimney
Did you know that your chimney, fireplace, wood stove, and furnace flue are often among the most overlooked causes of carbon monoxide intrusion, fires and other hazards resulting in loss of life and property?
Will’s Woodstock Woodshed
In a beautiful corner of Woodstock, NY, Will had a clever custom firewood shed built. The shed was constructed against a deck at the side yard to his home so there would be easy access to the firewood.