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A gray, slatted wood storage shed filled with stacked firewood, located in a wooded area.

Chronogram Magazine

The Power of Local Economies: For Glenn's Sheds, Community Comes First

With quick online ordering and bargain prices, big box retailers are always making it easier for customers to make a purchase, but their focus on people typically stops there…

A Guide to Preparing and Enjoying Firewood by the Seasons

It was during the back-to-the-land movement in the 1970s when Glenn Nystrup, founder of New Paltz-based firewood shed company Glenn’s Sheds, fully embraced the woodburning lifestyle. Everywhere he looked in his family’s new community in the North Country of New York, trees had become an integral part of their life…

Build Your Own Wood Shed: A Perfect Weekend Activity

With a wood shed plan from Glenn’s Sheds, a bit of carpentry know-how, and good old-fashioned elbow grease, you’ve got yourself a project that will reward you for years to come: With the weather finally starting to warm, opportunities for outdoor activities—from nature walks to gardening to finally cleaning out the garage—are popping up like daffodils…

The Wood-Burning Lifestyle: How to Dry, Stack, and Store Firewood Like a Pro

Advice from Glenn Nystrup, owner of New Paltz-Based Glenn’s Sheds: For many of us, firewood is something we only think about right as the colder months hit. But for Glenn Nystrup, owner of New Paltz-based Glenn’s Sheds, the wood-burning lifestyle is a year-round pursuit…